General Information
All guests are expected to follow the posted rules and procedures. Guests should maintain proper social distancing at all times, follow all instructions from midway employees, and respect the health and safety of others.
All employees will receive mandatory training in operations with new health and safety protocols.
Every employee’s temperature will be checked before work shifts. Anyone with a measured temperature of 100.4˚F or higher will not be allowed to work that day.
Employees will be provided with PPP (Personal Protective Equipment) such as: masks/face coverings and/or shields to be worn during all interactions with the public.
When possible, we will attempt to minimize contact between employees and the public. When deemed appropriate, following CDC guidelines, shields and temporary barriers will be used between employees and the public.
Employees will clean rides and frequently touched areas on games and equipment on a regular basis using CDC and EPA approved materials that combat pathogen spread. Rides will be deep cleaned at the end of each day.
Employees will be encouraged to maintain social distancing guidelines at their workstations and throughout the midway at all times.
Employees over the age of 65 and those with comorbidities will be persuaded not to work, following all CDC guidelines in regard to this group of the public.
MIDWAY RIDE OPERATIONS & CLEANING [Specific to certain fairs/festivals]
Our midway now features less attractions, freeing up more space for social distancing.
Specific rides will be showcased with social distancing and contact points in mind.
Touchless hand sanitizing areas will be introduced throughout the fair, giving ample opportunity for hygiene practices.
Sanitizing wipes will be provided at each ride and attraction. Each guest can use their wipe to sanitize their personal space as an added measure of protection.
Queue lines for rides, games, and food stands will include markers spaced 6ft apart for distancing to be maintained. Queue lines on rides will have “pre-grouping” to minimize contact with others not included in the same party.
We will load rides and attractions to facilitate social distancing which may include leaving rows and cars empty between guests.
Cleaning teams will be used to disinfect high traffic areas.
FOOD AND Game Safety
Food stands will follow the most current CDC and health department guidelines as issued.
Commonly used areas around food stands will be cleaned and sanitized throughout the day.
Food stands will have separate payment handling employees and food handling employees.
Open access condiments will be eliminated and replaced with single-use packets or portions available upon request.
Self-service drink stations will be eliminated.
Wherever possible, barriers will be erected between food service employees and the public. Napkins and cutlery will be available upon request.
Games will be reconfigured wherever possible and strategies will be employed to maintain social distancing to minimize contact.
Game equipment touched by the public will be wiped after each use
Prizes will be sanitized and quarantined before being placed into service in a game.
Social distancing between players not in the same party will be maintained at all times.
Signs & Public Information
We will have ample signage throughout the midway informing guests of health and safety protocols.
All hand sanitizing stations will be clearly marked for public use.
All queue lines will have markers so distancing will be clearly explained.
What to know before you visit the midway
Bring A Mask — Following CDC guidelines, we suggest all guests wear a mask, especially when they may be closer than 6 feet from another guest
Bring the Family! — Try, as much as possible, to come to the midway in family groups that you live with. These groups can ride and experience attractions together and do not have to be separated like guests who do not live together.
Wash Your Hands — Throughout the midway, there will be dozens of hand sanitizing stations. When you ride an attraction or play a game, rub your hands vigorously with sanitizer for 20 seconds per CDC guidelines.
Obey posted signs — Be aware of your surroundings on the midway and follow directional signs and operator instructions
Social Distance — Keep your distance from other guests and employees. Maintain 6 feet in lines and throughout the midway.